Bioresonance Frequency Packages
Service Description
Bio-resonance Frequency Packages are a great option for those who are currently in the process of healing from a short or long term health issue. It's referred to, as a complementary therapy. Meaning it's supportive to whatever you are physically doing to heal the body, either on your own or with a health professional. How it works is: 1) after purchasing the package that is right for your needs. You fill out an intake form answering a few questions to decipher what your health symptoms/issues/diagnosis are. What your health goals are. 2) If this is your first bio-resonance session with me I will need to add you as a client, I will need you to upload a picture of yourself (with a plain background), as well as fill out some personal information including your weight, birthdate, and height. 3) I will come up with a playlist, and then confirm with you through e-mail if this playlist resonates with you and if any adjustments need to be made. 4) Then we will set up the dates for your sessions, and all you have to do is be open to receiving while making sure to get plenty of water on the day of your session. *NOTE all sessions are done remotely. Nothing is required of you Package Recommendations: Since bio-resonance works best when done on a frequent basis, I only offer packaged sessions. 1) If your dealing with a short term health symptom(s), depending on the severity, I recommend utilizing the 4, 6, or 10 package. Where we will run frequencies at a daily basis until your bodies back in balance. 2) If your dealing with a long term health symptom(s), depending on the severity I recommend utilizing the 4, 6, or 10 package that we would set over a span of once every week, once every 5 days, or once every 3 days. 3) If at any time you need to adjust the playlist, more then what is offered in the session I do offer a playlist add-on. *NOTE if you require more frequent support then what I can offer, I recommend considering purchasing your own scanner. Please e-mail me at if that is the route you are needing. I have access to frequencies for practically any health symptom. I can support the body not just physically, but emotionally, and mentally. *NOTE I offer emotional support scans that can used in conjunction or solely on their own depending on your needs. If you have further questions please refer to my FAQ section or e-mail me at Otherwise I look forward to supporting you in your journey to health!